Mission Statement:
Our mission it that: The Centre for Abuse and Trauma Therapy Inc. is committed to providing support, empowerment, and advocacy to survivors of abuse and trauma through professionally facilitated individual therapy.
Our Commitment is:
To provide therapeutic counselling to survivors of all forms of abuse and trauma.
To improve public knowledge in our community regarding all aspects of abuse and trauma by creating a resource library and information for survivors of trauma and abuse.
To provide counselling training in areas of abuse and trauma recovery by organizing workshops for professionals in the community and creating partnerships with related organizations.
To conduct research and disseminate the information for the benefit of the public regarding issues related to trauma and abuse.
Basis of Unity
The following beliefs and values shall inform and guide all aspects of members of the Centre for Abuse and Trauma Therapy’s functioning. All members, paid or volunteer, must agree with the following statements.
We recognize that: Many forms of abuse exist, including, but not limited to, all child abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, forced participation in and/or exposure to pornography/ prostitution, mind control, ritual abuse, sadistic abuse, and mutilation. We are opposed to all of it.
We believe that: All people have the right to live free from the threat or the experience of any form of violence and/or abuse and/or exploitation.
We believe that: The provision of services to survivors of all forms of abuse and violence should be informed and guided by the experiences, insights, and needs of survivors.