Counselling > Therapy
How We Will Work with You
Our counsellors practice trauma-based, client-centred therapy. Client-centred means that you are the expert on the subject of your own life and this should be respected in your therapy. We will ask for your direction on how your needs will best be met in therapy.
The alliance between a therapist and a client develops through shared work and commitment to doing the work of healing. Your therapist brings knowledge, skill and experience to guide you on your healing path. It is your healing, and we will strive to be guided by your needs and your way of doing it. We will do our best make you feel comfortable and safe here.
Short- and Long-Term Individual Counselling
Different situations call for different needs. Sometimes all it takes is a little time and effort, and we can help mitigate short-term problems. Other times, however, extended help is required. To broaden our ability to help, we offer both long- and short-term counselling.
Intake Process
Intake Interviews with the Centre are voluntary and require no referral. The purpose of the Intake Interview is to ensure a thorough understanding of your situation, concerns, and goals. Services are available for youth, adults, and families that reside in the Kingston and surrounding area. If you reside outside of the broader Kingston and surrounding areas, please contact us for further information about our services and intake availability.
The initial Intake Interview takes approximately 1-1.5 hours. After the completion of your assessment/screening interview, the intake counsellor will contact you to set up your first appointment with a counsellor.
Due to Covid and restrictions we ask that those wishing an intake to send an email to intake@centrefortherapy.ca.
Referrals may come from: self-referrals; medical; School District; Ministry for Children and Family Development; and community agencies and service providers among others.
Referrals made by a third party must be made with the client’s knowledge and consent.
The referral source will be notified and advised of the acceptance of the referral and the type of service being offered to the client. Referrals that do not meet the mandate of the agency will be referred to appropriate community service.